Prosperity Fellowship is a joint effort by the members of the Prosperity Challenge Yahoo Group.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Brown - Round 2

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Ever wonder what happens when you leave the grandmother home taking care of the babies? See here, I asked to to make a few smart milk bottles and she went nuts. At least we are planning on a big family and these bottles will be put to good use.
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Joan and Wayne grew up to children today. Which is great news! The house was a little hectic with 2 toddlers and 2 babies.
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Being late at night, all the kids could do was start reading. Joan wanted to look at Hannah's college yearbook. Wayne was only interested in local history. He said we need to beware of a local townie, he has murdered before...
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Have you met James? My husband Bill is holding him. Bill was really helpful with the babies. So far, all the babies look like Bill.
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Here is Bill again, this time he is helping Janie grow into toddlerhood. Being the Pleasure Sim he is, he normally isn't too into helping the kids. He does love toddler time, so he grew up both kids.
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Joan wasn't a big fan of her old messy hair. She said she should be blonde. She wants to stand out here.
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As you see here, baby Erika has arrived. This will help my ultimate want of getting 6 kids married. Now I only need to help find them suitable spouses.
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Here is a normal afternoon at our house. Brooke Cooprider came home with Joan today. James needed some entertainment so she is playing with him. Joan is in the background doing her homework. Janie has grabbed some local townie to play with. What type of parents are we? We let normal strangers in off the street to befriend our toddlers.....
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I thought life would be easier now, but as you can see it isn't. I spent half the night up with Erika, she was having a hard night sleeping. Once I got her calmed down and asleep, I had to work.
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As you can see, Erika was suffering from growing pains. Here she is as a toddler. Isn't she a doll?
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We had one night with 3 toddlers. All three grabbed their rabbits to play. See the nice flower in the middle of the room? The Busto's have a home nursery and sell these. You should visit them.
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James grew into a child. He may need to change that hair, it just isn't that right now.
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Janie is also a child now. This is nicer, 4 children and one toddler. Now it is time to focus on getting Bill more of his wants....


ASimWen said...

OMG you are right..the kids look like Bill, especially James. Yeah, change his hair. lolol I wonder when the Giraffe skin is gonna show. But take heart...all the kids (hopefully) carry it as recessive.

Just Moi said...

Wow Bill does have some strong dna there and wow that house is packed with wall to wall kiddos seems like Angela is having a meltdown lol

Ziese52 said...

Yeah 4 kids and 1 toddler is definately going to be better for you. I loved the ???? on the one photo. I've thought about labeling them Random Sim in the past, just never had the nerve.

Anonymous said...

The genetics you've got going with these guys is so interesting. A cute bunch of kids!