Prosperity Fellowship is a joint effort by the members of the Prosperity Challenge Yahoo Group.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Scrimgeour - Round 2

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Ok Jennifer, let me explain this to you one more time. You are a muggle! I am a wizard. I was brought here to examine what is going on in the muggle world.
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There are three of us who came here. Narcissa, myself, and Lucious. We drank a potion that aged us back. We were adults and now we aren't. Simple really.
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We have been hearing the rumors for years. About the 'space aliens', you see. We know there are no aliens. It is just the wizard world messing with you muggles.
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Poker? This is not poker, this is a form of brain washing. We get you to come over and play for hours while we sit inside and read your thoughts.
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To keep people from really noticing us, Narcissa decided it was time to grow into a teen.
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Here she is now. I don't understand why she talks about having kids with Muggles, but we will make sure her husband is suitable for her. I think her potion was a little too strong and she is forgetting our mission.
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You want to know who we think the aliens are? Let me tell you, it is the Great Wizard Snape! He likes to experiment on muggles. He was once a professor at the wizard school Hogswarts, but something bad happened there.
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You see, you buy it, they will come. The more items we add to the store, the more visitors we are getting. They really love to work out until they smell. We did buy some snapdragon plants at the Busto's outdoor store.

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Night after night we searched the stars for Snape. We knew he would come for us. We really want to know how he can enlighten us. Once Narcissa grew up, she joined us out there.
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Lydia Potts, what can I say? This muggle is different, truelly. She said she grew from toddler to teen within minutes. All her siblings did. Then they were changed into regular townies. She said she doesn't know how. I do. It was magic, therefore, she is ok to date. Maybe even marry....
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How long have we been staring at the stars? Who does Snape choose? Narcissa....Hopefully she will use her female charms to convince him to talk to us. No one knows what happened with us, you see our mission is a secret.
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Oh this can not be good at all. There were TONS of visitors at our house when Narcissa was taken. We had to get our wands to try and help them forget about the abduction. I think we missed a few since this was all the neighbors talked about.
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Narcissa returned later. Did she tell us about her journey? Nope. She said it was a secret and she refuses to talk. She is becoming more muggle-like every year. She said if we want to know, we have to get abducted. She got all of us into private school. Too bad we leave for Uni tomorrow. She said the headmaster was wrapped around her finger when he left. She only uses her magic for the good of the family.
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See the house that magic built? We have done a few updates, but the house is coming along nicely. Nothing like my old house (mansion), but it is working.
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Ok Jennifer, do you understand? Why do you look confused? Ok fine, we are not wizards. We just have really long noses. Happy now? Yes, ok then, see you later. {zaps Jennifer with memory spell}


ASimWen said...

Hehehe that is a good update. "oh, well I know it sounds far fetched, we are really not wizards after all We just have dumb noses". lol

Just Moi said...

Hahahaha Jenn must be a bit dense eh?
Cute update - yay for Narcissa maybe her brothers will be fortunate enough to met the aliens or Snape too :)

Anonymous said...

LOL! I loved this update! It cracked me up! And Narcissa, yikes! Congrats on the abduction though :o)

Anonymous said...

Lol that was funny! Great update!