Hello World! Nolan is in the hooouussee!!! My dad, Simon is really proud of me. He wasn't sure how it would work out with our living with his sister and her wife.

These are my cousins, Emma Leigh and Ricky. They were adopted as children before we moved here. They are two of my best friends.

Why do all the boys show up for Emma Leigh? What is wrong with me? Why won't they talk to me? Here is Emma Leigh with Ryan. She said I can have him, she isn't interested in him.

Once she met Jacquan, she was head over heels for him. He is always around the house visiting us. He said his parents died when they moved here.

As you can tell, they are very happy together.

Ricky brought Sierra over, for him. Little did we know that Brendon Lancaster and her were an item. Ricky was a little upset as he really wants to makeout with her.

Monday spends a lot of time looking at old photo albums. She loves looking at the pictures of us kids growing up. I think she wishes there were more kids around here.

Cathleen is oblivious to what Monday wants. She is all about getting her skill points. As you can see in the background, cleaning up is not a high priority to us.

My dad on the other hand, isn't doing as well. He needs to meet someone and date them. He is really involved with us teens. He is the reason we can have the social life we have.

Here is what he does. All of us teens have different jobs so we are on different shifts. When we get home from school, whoever has to work gets prepared for work. The non-worker, Emma Leigh in this round, gets homework duty with Simon. He also gets home at the same time. (He needs skills for a promotion, but he doesn't like skilling.) He then assists with the homework assignments. They end up doing all of them. He has better relationships with us that we do with Monday and Cathleen.
My dad REALLY needs 'Simon Time'.

I could not believe it. Monday was serious about another kid around here. Here is my new cousin, Elle. When she got off the school bus, I wondered about who she was and then it came to me, another cousin. She even brought James Brown home with her. Janie Brown, of course who else, came home the next day.

Ricky had his first kiss today. His childhood friend, Kayla Dante, was the recipent. What about Sierra? Jac was there evn though Emma Leigh was at work. I hope Kayla isn't too serious about Ricky, I know he is just using her. Again, there is no one for me. My biggest fear is being rejected for my first kiss. Aren't I being rejected now?

Another day, another cousin. Meet Angel. Monday said Elle needed someone to grow up with. Guess who she is friends with, yep...Janie Brown.

My dad FINALLY got to have a date. Here he is on his first date with Marshall Upton. I was so proud of being able to see him get to energize himself. He hardly gets to use that thing.
I am really excited too. See that person cut off in the picture? You know in the red shirt. Yeah, him. Look carefully at his foot. See the shoe there? Yeah, that little white thing. GUESS WHAT!!! That is MY SHOE!!! Yep, he was talking to me!!!

That was me! I was talking to this huck of a guy, Don Patch. I have a 2 bolt attraction to him! Isn't he just great? I think so, so if you don't agree I don't care. He is just dreamy....

Here is our kitchen. You never know who is around this house. Look at this picture, look at the mirror. It's Jennifer Ryan! I love how you just see her reflection. Emma Keigh is blocking her out of the actual picture.

Ricky did get Sierra Bertino over to the house for that kiss. I see she hasn't been kissed yet. Hmm, maybe her and Brendon weren't too close after all. Ricky, of course, got his kiss and preceded to ignore her. He just made a mark in his little book. Is that all we are to men?

Just another night at our house. We always have visiors. Wanda Brown is bowling with the girls. Dakota Holiday is on the pin ball machine (a gift someone got for a date). There are 2 others at the table but I am not sure if they live here or are visitors.
Time to run! What is next for us? Hmm, Ricky and his loves, Cathleen skilling, oh don't forget, more of myself and Don....
What a cute bunch of kids! I loved Nolan's intro! She sounds like she feels a little left out. Poor thing. I love Ben Long walking around with that bad make-up job. How funny!
So much stuff going on heheh on Ben's um makeover and Simon finds "Simon time with Marshall"
Hahaha! There he is again...Marshall Upton in all his Studliness. LOLOL This one made me laugh. Marshall has lots of dates in blogs across the world...this is a first for me! hehehe
So nice Nolan got her kiss after all.
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