Welcome to the Lancaster house. My name is James and these are my grandsons. My other grandson, Zachary, married Hedwig and now I am a great grandfather of Zenas and Georgia.

William had his first kiss with Brigid Rosada. She seems like a nice girl, but William said she isn't the 'One' for him. He has had his eye on someone since we moved here. I wonder who....

Adrian and Bryan grew into teens this week. They are both really excited about meeting their neice and nephew.

Adrian brought this sweet girl over. I overheard Nolan telling Bryan she was really excited about her boyfriend Don Patch and how they shared a kiss. Adrian fell for her fast and now wants to 'go steady' with her. Who will she choose?

Brendon and William spent a lot of time studying for Uni. They said they have time there for more romance. Brendon has a thing for Sierra Bertino, it seems.

The boys are worried about me. They say my time is running out and they preparing themselves for my passing. As you see here, I spend time painting pictures for money.

I swear these two could have been twins. Their hair is different color, but beyond that I get them confused. I call it 'Simsheimers'.

The boys do take advantage of the hot tub to become better friends. That is, when none of our neighbors are in it.

The rumor mill is still going strong about Rich Yessam and how he killed his wife in another hood. I wonder if William has Kayla over for one of his brothers?

Don't worry about me. I have some females to keep me company. Here I am with Moira Jenkins. 'Hot Elder Mama!'

Another 'Hot Elder Mama!' is Angela Brown. I also have another 'HEM!' but no pictures of her.

As I say farewell, here is our whole house. As you can see, we don't have a lot of money but we do have all we need. Hopefully one of my grandkids will return here and raise a family.
LOL! James has got a hot mama! That was great. Lots going on around that house. James has done a nice job with his grandkids.
James is finding love. I hear ASimWen is a good match for him. :) I wonder who Nolan will pick!
Hehehe James and ASimWen. Hehehe Shameless plug for Rachel. :) Love the HEM'. LOL how funny. Looks like they have all they need indeed!
Very handsome boys there. Who is going to return to carry on the family line?
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