Prosperity Fellowship is a joint effort by the members of the Prosperity Challenge Yahoo Group.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ryan - Round 2

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Benjamin, Benjamin, Benjamin, what have you gotten yourself into? Where is your hair and WHAT is that on your face? I know you were at the Busto's, don't tell me you let Howie mess with you on his 'chair'...DID YOU??? (sigh)
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Benjamin, my sweet husband, he has found the time to join my life and help me financially. Did you know he is friends with MrBig? Yepper!!
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SimRachel! How nice to see you. I suggest you run and fast! Barbara needs aspiration, she needs to work on skills. Run Rachel Run!!!
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I need to earn 100K Rachel, it's ok. I know this can't hurt too bad. I need skills for my promotion. I need them now!
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Don't say I didn't warn you pleasure sim you....
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Will grew up into a teen. He will start his own little romantic history here. No marriage for him, nope. Just some jilted lovers....
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** This is what happens when you save the game and add new items. This is from Glamour Life. It seems Will was in the shower....he wasn't there when I opened the house. He stayed nude until he had to go to work. **
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Barbara who are you kissing? Why are you kissing him?

Hush! This is Mr Big and we are on a date. Hopefully we finish before Benjamin gets home.
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That was really close. See how the two have scattered? The memory of the make out still above their head and Benjamin is home.
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Time to bid farewell! Will Barbara stay faithful to Ben? Will Ben find out?


ASimWen said...

NO, heckers no...Barbara won't stay faithful to Ben. Money talks, not funny makeup and a bald head. LOLOL

Just Moi said...

Ouch ! That sure was a close call so will Ben figure out Barb is chaeting on him hehehee

Ziese52 said...

NOoooooo Poor Sim Me! She can't run, she has asthma. It isn't nice to pick on sims with asthma!

Anonymous said...

Aww, poor Ben! He definitely got the worst of that make over!