Here I, Esmond Kirkendall, am getting married to Shasta Norwood. Life is grand now. We have decided to start a family. I want to adopt quickly as I heard there are some kids out there waiting to be adopted.

Here is my brother Darcy, who is working on skills for University. The Roma house is in the background.

Here we are as a happy couple getting some sleep. My dreams consist of ways I can help life to be easier for Shasta.

What do body skills have to do with being Chief of Staff? I don't know, but being a knowledge sim, I just want some more body skills. I won't be happy until I max this and other skills out.

Here is Shasta with our new son, Lewen. She was so excited for this little guy to join our family.

My brother Jacquan snuck out with his girlfriend, Emma Leigh Flanagan. I've never seen this car at their house, where did she get it?

After adopting Lewen, we decided to adopt Shalesa here. Isn't she a doll?

Jacquan wasn't so excited about his niece or nephew. He kept saying there was something wrong with them. That something wasn't quite right. I don't know what he is referring to, but it doesn't matter. These are my sweet babies.

Meet Paige, she came over one day and now is a regular guest. I think she might be interested in one of my bothers.

Lewen grew up into a toddler today. He is quite the interesting child. He loves exploring our bathrooms, mainly the toilets.

The same night, Shalesa grew into a toddler. Isn't she cute? She seems really smart and loves playing with her rabbit.

Here is Shalesa with her Uncle Jacquan. For some wierd reason, she doesn't view Shasta as her mother. She only sees me as her father. I don't want to tell you what else you can see on her family tree...

Here is another day with Emma Leigh visiting. I really think these two will end up together. Jacquan really seems to enjoy her.

Here they are dancing the night away. Oh, by the way, see me on the couch? Well, I suppose you notice my clothes. Well, it seems when I was exercising on that wheel, I vanished. When I reappeared, I was pregnant.

Here is Shasta helping keep me in a good mood. She really seems to enjoy having a family without going into labor herself. I was more than happy to help her out as she doesn't have a lot of skills.

Labor time is here. Our maid, Remington, was there with Jacquan to watch the experience. Darcy could have cared less, he just wanted to eat.

I am glad to show off the newest member of our family, Kimber Kirkendall.

Here is Darcy and Kimber. Both my brothers have been a great help with the kids. They jump right in with the kids when we are occupied.

Birthday time is upon us again. Here is child Lewen, he
WAIT!!! What is wrong with him Esmond? Why doesn't he look ok? Look at that face with the big cheeks and big ears! 'WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM??'
Darcy, he is just, um just Lewen. Why must you make a big deal out of the little things? You must learn to over look this stuff.

As you can see here, Shalesa grew up at the same time.
I can't look Darcy, tell me, how bizarre are they now? I thought the toddler birthday was bad, how was this one? I won't look until you tell me, so please tell me how bad it is.
I don't know how to explain it, I can't stop looking at him Jacquan. I just can't stop staring at him.
Uncle Jacquan? Can we play red hands? Can we? Can we?

Just another view of Shalesa. She just loves her uncle Jacquan.

Darcy had his first date also. I asked him what this means. All he could say was 'One down, 49 to go!'
"I can't look Darcy, tell me, how bizarre are they now? I thought the toddler birthday was bad, how was this one? I won't look until you tell me, so please tell me how bad it is.
I don't know how to explain it, I can't stop looking at him Jacquan. I just can't stop staring at him."
LOLOLOL I expect the power of denial won't help here...LOLOL
Well at least those poor kids got adopted wow
Woah, those kids got the short end of the gene stick. Yikes! It looks like Kimber is going to be the cute one of the bunch. It really just seems wrong that a couple of gorgeous sims like Esmond and Shasta have adopted Lewen and Shalesa. Wow.
What is it with you and, ummm, interesting looking sims? I enjoy genetics, but more like weird skin tons, hair colors and eyes.
Wowzers, them are some... interesting looking kids you got there! *giggle*
I look forward to thier offspring some day! Woof!!
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