Layce Cooprider here. Life in our house has sure changed. Risto has gone off and graduated college. Then it almost took him forever to get Donatella to marry him. Have you seen her lately? I think we all know what they have been doing, hmmmm??

Yes, life here is interesting. Did you see where that Busto girl got married? I really wonder about those kids. What Busto genes do think they will they get?

I couldn't believe it, you know how Jess works for a local busnessman as their manager? Well, here he is calling in sick. Tsk, tsk..at least he got his face back!

Oh, Poor Andre Holiday. Look at how tired he from his house. Poor man is worn out. At least he became friends with one of the twin toddlers before passing out. I bet Jess is gonna turn the stereo on to wake him up right about now.

Speaking of them, here they are after their birthday. Since no one has gone to the store, Stream is stuck in that outfit for awhile. (snicker, snicker)

I really wished I had talked to Celeste about this. We were relocated overnight. We used to reside at the bottom of the hill there. Then we woke up and were on top. See how steap that sidewalk is? With the traffic of visitors, someone could get hurt. And then they may call in sick to work....see an informerical and SUE!!

Oh, here are two visiting teens. You know these teens, dontcha? The girl is Kayla Dante, of the fighting Dantes. The boy is Bryan Lancaster, of that Hot Elder Hottie House. Maybe they should date?

Aww, time for Stream 'The Dragon' to go to school. Do ya think people will laugh at him with that dragon head on?

Ok, daylight now. Can you see the drop off? There are more and more commercials out there about suing...I should have warned Celeste.

Creek brought home this girl Shalesa from school today. She is a tad bit strange looking. Isn't she? Admit it, she is. You know Esmond adopted another interesting child? I wonder if there are more of them out there in the adoption pool or where ever those kids are from.

Time for the boys in this neighborhood to pay attention! We have a new young hottie out there known as Brooke! She sure is head turner. I wish I had been there to see her grow up.

Doesn't she look excited to do something with Jazz Holiday? Jazz just happened to be here when she grew up. Just happened, that is funny....Why is Creek out there also?? Who didn't help that child with her homework?

Brooke sure is maturing quickly it seems. A few hours ago, she was a child and now she is kissing Jazz. You know those two are a 2 bolt couple? Jazz actually gave her a romantic hug after she grew up and well, the hearts were flying.

Someone in this house should have gone shopping. Why oh why is Stream in pink pj's? Why didn't Jess get him some boy clothes? Oh what did his friends say? It is interesting to see all 3 of Jess's kids have red hair, he must dye his.

Brooke must have spent hours on the phone keeping and making friends. How much you want to bet it was Celeste's phone? They still never went to the store.

Celeste and Jess sure do like to gossip. Here they are talking about Howie Busto. Don't they know it isn't nice to talk about the dearly departed?

Speaking of the dearly departed, you might have caught on, I passed away at the beginning of this week, on Monday to be exact. At least my last thoughts are for my true wants and dreams. I wasn't much of a studier. I was always too upset over that makeover.
Layce is dead? The town gossip is gone? Well, at least she will be in the sweet hear after with Marshall. What? Oh please, shade my eyes....Shalesa? Lynn have you been playing Dr. Frankenstein again??? heh
Awww, don't take Stream out of the dragon outfit. He is really cute. :)
Awww poor Layce has died already?
Stream does look cute as a dragon... he grew up in that?
Shalesa .... ok where the heck did she come from ...who birthed that kid and had the social worker take her away? I looked back and I don't see any hints of her parentage at all.
Awww, poor Stream. He's got to walk around as a dragon all day (a very cute dragon btw) and then sleep in pink pjs at night. Is that poor kid going to end up with a complex?
It is so unfortunate the clothes kids grow up in. Why won't anyone go shopping?
Oh that dragon outfit is too funny! The pink pajamas on the other hand... thats goin a bit too far *giggle*
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