Welcome back to Phi Lynn Phi! Here we have our Greek House. Let's look around and see who is here.

Did you hear the news? I am finally getting to meet people! Donatella called me up and told me some new kids are on their way. She said her brothers are here, but I don't know if I want to marry them. What if something doesn't work out? My name is Jessica, if you have forgotten. I was the placeholder for the Greek House. I hope to meet someone and get married.

The first person I met was Lucius Scrimgeour. He is actually pretty nice once you get past his nose. He even said I was a 'Good Muggle'. What is a muggle??

Lucius hung around and played pool. Next thing I knew, he was a member of the Greek House.

After a change of clothes and hair, he isn't half bad if I must say so myself. The more we talk, the more I like him. I must admit, I wonder about his nose and what it could be good for....

Lucuis has managed to bring more friends to join the house. Here we see Leeland and Destin. Destin didn't understand why it isn't proper to stand on the spaghetti, our supper. Not like it stopped others from grabbing food. I just hope his shoes were clean...

The headmaster, Korey(??), even came over with someone. He wanted to see how his students were doing at Uni.

Esmond Kirkendall here. See life has been good. My friend, Lucius, brought me into the Greek House to live. I must set a good example for my siblings. Don't ask me about Temperance, I am NOT happy she is here. I feel Paul Ryan is too old for her, but she is her own person.

This is my girlfriend, Shasta Norwood.
I can speak for myself, hun. See my shirt? This is Quavi and I must show my support for him. Quavi is upset that Xuan may get to use one of his 'wombs' and he is NOT happy about this. That is his womb and his womb only. Just say NO to Xuan.

I can not believe my sister. You see she is (was) pledging here with Paul. Destin must have done something and now Paul is mad at them. What is a brother to do? Tsk, tsk, she should have listened to me and waited to come here. Now she may be hurt by these guys.

I finally fell in love with Shasta. She is such a great girl, unlike my cheating sister. We need to finish college, but we hope to have some kids. We might even adopt some.

Just another night at the house with our pledges. They seem to love playing pool and using our, um, bubble blower.

We are engaged!! We are engaged!! I won't go to the dorm to live!! We are engaged!! No more placeholder status for me! YEAH ME!!!

No wonder no one gets to play cards. These people won't leave the room.

Just reading this book on how to treat my girl, Shasta, right. I don't need her feeling mistreated, now do I?

Time to bid farewell, we are in our Junior years. We hope to graduate soon. Then I get to LEAVE UNI and start my family.

We are in our second year. I heard there is another couple moving in soon, can't wait to see who they are.
LOL! Shasta has Quavi on her shirt! LOL! Busy house. I like the couples you've got paired off. I can't wait to see how thing go for them once they get hitched.
"I wonder about his nose and what it could be good for...." LOL oh MY!
Heh see Lynn? Rachel caught on about the nose. LOL How funny is that. Hey sounds like you are gonna have a 'womb war' going... How is that gonna go? erm..hehee
Sounds like you're moving right along with the YAs. Great couples. Can't wait to see the babies they make! =)
What a crazy bunch! I bet you've had fun playing those college years! I can't wait to see them all grown up and in the real world! Wonder if that nose will get passed on?!
The nose comment was pretty funny, but this had me rolling:
"I won't go to the dorm to live!! We are engaged!! No more placeholder status for me! YEAH ME!!!"
Great update, I can't wait to see the babies!
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