Prosperity Fellowship is a joint effort by the members of the Prosperity Challenge Yahoo Group.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Busto - Round 2

Want to see how my life is now with Howie? My name is Linda, Howie's wife. He wants to own 5 top level businesses. I doubt that is going to work. He just isn't the young pup he once was. Howie's granddaughter, Hedwig, moved out one night and went to Uni. She graduated with Honors and is engaged. She is starting her own house and we will see it later on.
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See here? I am in labor! Where is Howie? Is he helping me? No, he is calling to hire employees for his business. Will these employees help me with this baby? Thought not... (baby to be seen later)
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Here is Rufus, he is Howie's grandson. He grew into a teen right after I had Chicken George. I see Howie didn't care enough to watch Rufus grow up either. He is greeting our visitors. Life is all about our visitors with him.
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Oh, it's two of the Uglacys!! I hope to have their genes in our family! Hopefully I will have a girl to marry these guys. :) Howie was really excited to see them, they were a big addition to our new neighborhood.
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Yup, you guessed it, I am pregnant again with Howie's baby. Hopefully he will pay this one more attention to. Here I am with Wanda Brown. She is pregnant also. She said I better hope I am not pregnant during a shift change, it is like being pregnant FOREVER!
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Just some of Howie's makeovers. He is getting much better at this.
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Well, for the most part he is getting better at this. Then I see one that goes bad and feel sorry for that person.
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You take the good with the bad, I say.
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Chicken George turned into a toddler. He truelly is his father's son. Howie ran inside to help him grow up. I was taking a nap and he handled everything from teaching to walk to potty training. He really shocked me with the amount of attention he gave our son.
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Time for another labor, where is Howie? Out giving another makeover! And is he charging for these makeovers? NO! Freebies!! How do we make money when he gives everything away for free?
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I got my sweet little girl, Maggie. Only time will tell what genes she has from Howie.
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More makeovers. Yes, that was the desired effect with the blonde guy.
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Even Gage Uglacy was willing to get a change.
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It's like duck, duck, goose. Good, good, CLOWN!
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Howie hired some employees to work at our growing store. Here they are making snapdragons for us. We heard these plants are great to have around.
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You must think we are slave drivers or something now. I swear, it was just a short nap. Nothing to see here, keep moving! Pay no attention to the little red ball, it is really green.
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Snapdragon Field during the day!
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Snapdragons at night! Do I see green mist??? I will take care of that one, hope there aren't many more.
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Oops, so sorry Ben. Somehow, this makes your nose look looong! I get it! Ben Long as in Ben Longnose!
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Oh, so sorry. Howie was trying to fix it and your hair, um, will grow back. I swear, here have so Simgaine. This is product was tested on Lhamas, it is totally safe!
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At least Howie is now getting the hang of this.
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Xuan! Doesn't he look great with his new hair? I think so...
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All was going well at our house. We were selling snapdragons for cheap, people played poker, employees sleep in our beds, all was good. Then Sunday afternoon, fate stepped in.
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(Sigh) Howie died......You would think Xuan would be a little understanding. Howie was there to check out his purchases and then he was gone. Why the negative star? Why???


ASimWen said...

I like Gage Uglacy's look. Hey that chick in the blue/white striped shirt/blonde hair is the one Craig (Benson) Jenkins married in my game.

So sad for Howie. Really.

Just Moi said...

Wow he worked till the very end - wow a feild of snapdragons - the green mist happens when a Sim in low aspiration or mood makes one. I love those flowers they are fantastic for pregnant Sims - when they have pink mist that is :)

Ziese52 said...

Great as always. A negative star when Howie died! Man that's cold!

Anonymous said...

Aww, no luck with the LTW for Howie. I loved the field of snapdragons. Would you believe I still have yet to get some in my game?