Howdy, howdy, howdy! Welcome, welcome, welcome! I am so happy you FINALLY got to my house. You would not believe how long I have waited to see you. I kept trying to get myself seen at other homes so you would be interested in me. My name is Barbara Ryan. I am finally here! I am here looking to make at least 100 grand, know any fast ways?
This is my daughter, Jennifer. She wants to have a big family and marry off 6 kids. Once I make my money, I can spoil those babies rotten!
Don't get worried, it's just my son Paul. He is just expressing himself. He is more like me in that he loves money, but he wants to become a business tycoon. Isn't he a cutie?
This is my other son, Will. Will just trys to stay out of trouble and do good in school.
I went downtown to scope out potential husbands, not for babies, for their money! Who do I see, Benjamin Long! Since there were no other better offers, he will do. I need my house to reflect my status in the financial world and right now, it needs help.
Jennifer wastes no time finding herself a boyfriend. His name is Alvin Futa. I noticed my son Will has thoughts of local townie, Corky. Hmm, maybe there is a future there. Have to wait and see. Don't ask me why Jennifer's hair is different, um, you shouldn't ask those questions!
Life went pretty fast with Benjamin around. We were engaged and married before I knew it. He is really into knowledge and wants to become a criminal mastermind. Does that pay well??
Since I don't have a full double bed, Benjamin and I have to consumate our wedding vows in the hottub under our house. Luckily the kids were all upstairs doing stuff.
Benjamin wanted me to meet his friends. Here I am with his friend known has "Mr Big". Where was this man before I met Benjamin?? I am so attracted to him!
Time for me to get back to work. Before I leave, here is my house. Hopefully it will look better soon.
Ah Mr. Big, a day late and a dollar short. So sorry. Well, maybe Ben can fall down those steps er sumthin'. LOLOL Great lookin' kids!
Bwhahaha love Wen's comment about Ben.
Well Ben can fall into a pool with no way out can't he?
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