Hello muggle! Yes, I said muggle. Don't ask me what a muggle is, it is what you are. Just believe me. My name is Severus and this is my brother Lucius. We are here to monitor what you muggles do. We will be taking notes also. We know we look like muggles also, but trust me, we are NOT muggle or even halfbloods. WE
Enough with that. Here is my sister Narcissa. She is also here to help us. I think she has other plans for the future.

Here she is meeting our newest friend, Barbara Ryan. We are trying to explain to Narcissa how aliens travel around.

Narcissa grew up into a child. She is very outgoing child. All she wants are friends, friends, and more friends.

I met a wonderful girl, Danielle Rosada. She lives here with her 2 older sisters and she is a triplet. I have not met her sisters yet, but that time will come.

Being a family sim, I really wanted to have my first kiss with Danielle. She was more than happy to do this. I really hope to pull some strings so she can go to college with me.

Here is my last picture of the turn. Here is the front of our house. Next time, I promise you will more pictures of my siblings, I promise.
Severus? Lucius? Narcissa? Hm. Sounds hauntingly like HP...and Hedwig in the Bustos??? Here are Harry and Ron? Hermione? Dumbledore and Hagrid?
For some evil girl names try: Bellatrix, Dolores (Umbridge) and Cho (who in my opinion is evil, that is just an opinion though!)
Love the HP theme!
Sorry I just thought of another name! Pansy Parkinson (minus the Parkinson in her name). yeah, bubi
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